Introducing Our Exciting New Seasonings!

Introducing Our Exciting New Seasonings!

We’re thrilled to announce the arrival of our newest seasonings that are set to elevate your culinary adventures! Our team has been hard at work, drawing inspiration from the rich flavours and unique botanicals of the Australian landscape, and we can’t wait for you to try them. Say hello to our Blue Mountains Blend, Eucalyptus & Wattleseed Seasoning, and Ginger & Wild Herbs Seasoning.


Blue Mountains Blend: Capture the essence of the majestic Blue Mountains with this aromatic blend. It combines the robust flavours of dried eucalyptus, native thyme, and lemon myrtle with a touch of pepperberry, coriander, and cumin powders. Perfect for grilling meats, seasoning vegetables, or adding a gourmet touch to your soups and stews, this blend brings the spirit of the mountains straight to your kitchen.

Eucalyptus & Wattleseed Seasoning: Dive into the unique taste of Australia with our Eucalyptus & Wattleseed Seasoning. The refreshing notes of eucalyptus leaves pair beautifully with the earthy, nutty flavour of wattleseed, creating a seasoning that’s both intriguing and delicious. It’s ideal for marinating lamb, sprinkling over roasted veggies, or adding a distinctive twist to your favourite dishes.

Ginger & Wild Herbs Seasoning: For those who love a bit of spice, our Ginger & Wild Herbs Seasoning is a must-try. This blend features the warm, zesty flavour of ginger combined with wild herbs like rosemary and native thyme. Whether you’re using it to flavour chicken, fish, or tofu, or adding it to your salads and dressings, this seasoning promises to add a vibrant kick to any meal.

We’re passionate about bringing you the best of what nature has to offer, and these new seasonings are no exception. They’ve been crafted with care, using high-quality ingredients to ensure that each blend provides a unique and delicious experience.

Try them out today and take your cooking to new heights. We can't wait to hear what you think!

Happy cooking,