
For the best sleep results, these herbs can be used in teas, either alone or blended, to create a calming beverage before bedtime. 

Sleep herbs offer a range of benefits that enhance overall sleep quality and promote well-being. These herbs, such as Jilungin and Lemon Myrtle, contain natural compounds that have calming and sedative properties, helping to induce deeper and more restful sleep. They also reduce anxiety and stress, which are common barriers to a good night's sleep, by providing natural anxiolytic effects. Additionally, sleep herbs like Aniseed Myrtle and Gumbi Gumbi aid in relaxation, soothing the mind and body, and making it easier to fall and stay asleep. Overall, incorporating these herbs into your routine can lead to better sleep and improved overall health.

Woman with a relaxing native herb loose leaf tea
  • Lemon Myrtle: Known for its strong lemon scent, lemon myrtle has calming properties that can help with relaxation and sleep.
  • Blue Gum: The leaves of this eucalyptus species can be used to make a tea that has relaxing effects, which may help with sleep.

  • Aniseed Myrtle: This herb has a sweet aniseed flavour and is known for its calming and sedative effects, making it a good choice for a sleep aid.

  • River Mint: A native mint with a milder flavour than common mint varieties, river mint can be used in teas to promote relaxation and aid in sleep.

  • Wattleseed: Often used in cooking, wattleseed has a nutty flavour and contains tryptophan, an amino acid that helps the body produce serotonin, which in turn can promote better sleep.

  • Davidson’s Plum: While not a traditional sleep aid, this fruit is high in antioxidants and can be included in evening teas or desserts to support overall health and relaxation.

  • Gumbi Gumbi: Gumbi Gumbi is used in traditional Aboriginal medicine for its numerous health benefits, including its potential calming effects that can promote better sleep. It is often consumed as a tea.

  • Jilungin: Jilungin leaves are used by Indigenous Australians, particularly in the Kimberley region, as a natural sleep aid. The leaves can be brewed into a tea that is known for its strong sedative properties, making it an effective remedy for promoting deep and restful sleep.